Saturday, April 21, 2018

Rucker Integrative Medicine - Perspectives on IV Therapy

Myers' Cocktail

The Myer’s Cocktail consists of magnesium, calcium, B vitamins and vitamin C is effective in the treatment of Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, upper respiratory tract infections, asthma, chronic sinusitis, cardiovascular disease and other disorders. The late John Myers MD pioneered the use of intravenous vitamins and minerals as part of a comprehensive strategy targeting various medical problems. Since Myers’ death in 1984 the solution has been modified (magnesium and vitamin C have been increased, hydrochloric acid was eliminated). Treatments often produce rapid results and many patients choose to have periodic follow-up infusions due to the enhancement of overall well-being that they experience.

One of many success stories is the case of a 48 year old woman presenting with a six-year history of Fibromyalgia. Symptoms included pain in the hips, back and neck, and tightness of the left arm. She also had a history of migraines and chronic nasal congestion. Physical examination showed extremely stiff muscles and decreased range of motion in multiple areas of her body.

The patient was given a therapeutic trial and at the end of the injection reported that her joint pains and muscle aches were gone for the first time in six years. Treatment was repeated after a week, followed by every other week for several months, then once monthly for three years. Although symptoms did begin to return between treatments, they were never as severe as they had been before beginning the regimen.

IV Vitamin C

When taken via IV infusion, vitamin C can reach much higher levels in the blood than when taken orally. Studies suggest that these higher levels may cause the death of cancer cells. It has been studied as a treatment for cancer patients since the 1970’s. A Scottish surgeon named Ewan Cameron worked with Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling to study the possible benefits of vitamin C therapy in clinical trials of cancer patients in the late 1970s and early 1980’s.  High dose vitamin C is currently given to patients to treat infections, fatigue and cancers, including breast cancer and prostate cancer.

An example of successful treatment with high dose vitamin C infusion was demonstrated in the case of a 49 year old man with a malignant tumor in his bladder with multiple tumors in the surrounding tissue. The tumors were resected until normal tissue was reached surrounding each one. The patient refused follow-up chemotherapy and radiation treatment and instead chose high dose IV vitamin C treatments. Nine years after diagnosis the patient is in good health with no recurrence of cancerous tumors. 

Ozone intravenous via major autohemotherapy and via direct venous injection

Ozone therapy is the use of medical ozone to treat a wide array of conditions and has a long history of safe and effective use. Ozone therapy has been shown to inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungi and protozoa.  It also stimulates and activates the body's immune system by increasing oxygen metabolism. Conditions that may benefit from treatment include meniscal tears and joint disorders, shingles and herpes simplex, lyme disease, autoimmune diseases, cancer and many more.

Ozone direct venous injection
Ozone infusion via autohemotherapy involves taking about 250ml of blood from a patient, exposing it to ozone, and dripping it back into a patient via an IV. This delivers the ozone/oxygen mix into circulation and every cell of the body has exposure to the mix.

Ozone therapy via injection involves anesthetizing the area requiring treatment and injecting the ozone into it. In some cases of cancer, ozone is injected directly into the tumor if it is accessible. Injection methods can vary depending upon the area/condition being treated.  Direct intravenous ozone is a technique developed in Europe and made popular by Dr. Robbins in Manhattan, NY. This is a technique we are very comfortable utilizing and do so frequently. It has demonstrated vast efficacy in Cancer patients, fibromyalgia, viral infections and bacterial infections.

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation

UBI improves three fundamental issues that contribute to poor health and chronic disease: reduced oxygen delivery to the cells of the body, accumulation of toxins in the body and a weakened immune system, increasing susceptibility to infection. 

UBI has been shown to improve blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, stimulate the immune system to fight infections, kill microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi and reduce inflammatory conditions in the body. It can also gradually improve kidney function by lowering creatinine, help diabetics reduce blood sugar by reducing insulin resistance and improving glucose tolerance, and improve autoimmune diseases. These are only a few of the conditions successfully treated and resolved by UBI.

An example of a successful UBI patient is a 28 year old gentleman who presented to our clinic with frequent outbreaks of genital herpes. He underwent vitamin C infusions, ozone infusions,  along with UBI therapy. We have found his outbreaks have stopped and his lab tests normalized. We remain convinced UBI therapy was a large part of his success during a once a week 8 week infusion program.

Ozone Major Autohemotherapy
Glutathione Push IV

Glutathione and its related enzymes are our most prolific antioxidants because in addition to directly scavenging free radicals, they also reactivate other antioxidants. It also plays crucial roles in the immune response, DNA repair, and the detoxification process that neutralizes drugs, chemicals, radiation, metabolic wastes, and other toxins and carcinogens. Glutathione depletion is also associated with disease and aging.  While glutathione can be used simply as a supplement, some conditions call for more intensive doses. This can best be accomplished by administering it intravenously, thereby bypassing the digestive tract and efficiently delivering it to target tissues.

Intravenous Chelation

Intravenous Chelation is a treatment used in conventional medicine for removing heavy metals (including mercury) from the blood. It involves intravenous injections of a chelating agent - EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid), a synthetic amino acid.

EDTA is the main component in our intravenous chelation. It has been shown and proven by randomized prospective, double blind studies, to be effective against heart attacks and hospitalizations due to high blood pressure. It can also reduce high blood pressure, and possibly reduce or eliminate the need for of heart disease medications. It may also reduce or eliminate the need for bypass surgery or angioplasties in patients with blocked arteries.

These same studies have shown that the beneficial effects of chelation are even more pronounced in diabetic patients. In addition, the removal of heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium and lead can improve or reverse many other diseases.

For example, we have observed patients with prostate cancer, who undergo weekly chelation therapy, have significant reductions in markers of tumor growth down to normal levels (PSA or prostatic specific antigen). Some of these patients have also experienced a reduction of prostate tumors as measured by magnetic resonance imaging studies. Other patients have experienced disappearance of tumor by digital rectal examination.

The use of chelation therapy, which  have been performed successfully for the past 50 years, suggests most diseases may initiate or worsen by the presence of contaminants, that may in turn, be removed by this modality.

The treatment takes about 10 minutes, and we initially recommended a series of once-weekly treatments for six weeks, in order to determine the clinical outcome and the course of ongoing treatment.

Risks and Requirements

IV therapies require patients to have “good veins”. This means the patient has to have prominent and large veins for the nurse to place an IV catheter. When patients have serious conditions such as cancer, a venous access port or PICC line can be placed by a radiologist at Dr. Rucker’s request.

Generalized risks, though minimal, include pain, bruising and redness at the IV site. We have had no major incidents at our office and find these therapies to be low risk, high reward.

Insurance Reimbursement

Most of these procedures require cash payment due to insurance inability to cover. On some occasions, commercial insurance will provide a partial reimbursement.

To schedule a consultation call our office at (941) 448-1199 or email us at  You can also go to our website at

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Clinical examples of Low Dose Naltrexone

Bino Rucker, M.D.
Kim Jones, M.S.
About the authors: Formerly a cancer surgeon, Dr. Bino Rucker integrated a holistic element to his practice that goes beyond the limits of standard big practice models. Rucker Integrative Medicine offers an array of innovative treatments including bio-identical hormone balancing, ozone injection and chronic sports injury solutions  to name just a few. As Dr. Rucker furthered his growth in the healing arts, he came across an amazing substance; LDN or Low Dose Naltrexone
Ms. Jones is a freelance journalist who collaborates on clinical topics with Dr. Rucker. She can be reached at
Low-Dose Naltrexone, Bino Rucker, M.D.
Naltrexone is a drug already being used to treat patients battling addiction. In lower doses, however, it has the potential to treat tens-of-thousands of patients suffering illnesses such as Crohn’s disease, Lupus and even HIV. Those are just a fraction of a growing list of conditions LDN has the capacity to treat. Most patients experience no negative side effects.  
One method  of acquiring knowledge Dr Rucker utilizes to this day  is to read books about every compound that he finds has value in order to really master any given  concept. One such book was written by Dr. Burt BerksonThe Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough.
Early in his career,  Berkson observed an unexpected effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid (or  ALA) on his cancer patients. ALA was selectively killing cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed. Pancreatic and hepatic cancer patients went into remission following intravenous ALA  treatment. In his writings and interviews, he combined ALA with LDN.
LDN  was clinically utilized by Dr. Bernard Bihari in the 80's. He serendipitously discovered that it helped his HIV patients along with his cancer patients and those with other autoimmune disorders.  An interview with Bihari details his findings.
Traditionally used in large doses to treat opiate addiction, Bihari found an entirely different use for the drug in considerably lower doses.  A great many autoimmune diseases are beginning to be viewed as diseases of endorphin deficiency. To simplify, LDN appears to correct and balance the low levels of endorphins that cause the disease itself.

Dr.  Rucker notes, “After studying LDN in great detail, gleaning information from books, articles and medical lectures, I established my comfort level with it and began prescribing it to my own patients. Here I will share a few case histories and explain why I think it works and why it is a phenomenal substance.”
Case history: 48 yo female was diagnosed with Lyme disease, but I suspected she had a form of Cipro toxicity and started her on LDN with excellent results.
Prior history from 2008 through 2017:
Patient experienced  numerous sinus infections which were treated with Levaquin and Cipro.
Major issues include tears in both Achilles tendons while walking (indicative of Cipro toxicity), joint pain and stiffness and  tingling in arms and hands. Tingling resolved after Chiro visit, stiffness and pain ongoing.
Suspected abdominal aneurysm (due to shortness of breath, heart palpitations and concern over tendon tear history causing collagen loss in other areas of the body) was ruled out by cardiologist after echocardiogram and abdominal ultrasound.
Suspected parathyroid tumor was ruled out by endocrinologist.
Test results from visit to Lyme specialist showed Lyme, MTHFR gene mutation and very low coq10.
Overall symptoms of ongoing energy loss, difficulty concentrating, brain fog, depression, shortness of breath with minor exertion, irritability, acid reflux, higher than normal blood pressure and heart palpitations.
Dr. Rucker examined Laura and discussed her history with her. He felt she had a case of Ciprofloxicin toxicity and subsequent immune system derangement. Dr. Rucker felt this clinical scenario warranted a trial of low dose Naltrexone taken each morning at 2 mg daily and this resulted in a very rapid clinical turnaround.
These symptoms have all reversed within 2 weeks of LDN treatment, patient notes that  she feels like a "new person".
Conclusion: Based upon the rapid clinical turnaround, this case presents some interesting findings. We doubt the patient had Lyme Disease. The theory of possible immune derangement due to Cipro toxicity is a reasonable conclusion,  as Low Dose Naltrexone rebalances patients’ immune systems and this seems to be the case. Dr Rucker has treated over 100 patients for various conditions using Low Dose Naltrexone and this matches the clinical findings of other physicians who work with the product.
Side effect profile includes vivid dreams, difficulty falling asleep. These can be dose and time dependent.
Dr. Bihari had patients take the medication at night, citing that the brain makes  endorphins between two and four in the morning. In my experience, I’ve found it more effective to  customize the dosage timing for each patient individually.
Naltrexone  is a prescription-only  medication and treatment requires close monitoring  by a physician.

Friday, March 23, 2018

The Truth About Colloidal Silver – Separating Myth From Fact

Let’s start with the basics – what IS colloidal silver? What is it used for? In the simplest terms, colloidal silver is a solution of microscopic particles of silver suspended in a pure liquid, usually water. In the broadest terms, it’s used to supplement the immune system, usually in the form of an oral solution.
In truth, it’s so much more than that. This article is intended to clearly define its benefits and dispel negative connotations floating around the all-encompassing internet. There is also the question of, amidst a dizzying array of brands of colloidal silver available today, whether there is one specific brand that offers all of those benefits without negative side effects.
Colloidal silver has a long and colorful (namely blue, but we’ll get to that..) history. The Greeks used silver vessels to keep water and other liquids fresh. The Romans did the same with wine to avoid spoilage. The use of silver is mentioned in ancient Egyptian writings. The writings of Greek philosopher and historian Herodotus date the use of silver to before the birth of Christ. In the Middle Ages, the wealthy consumed food using genuine silver to shield them from the full force of the plague. The benefits of silver have been known and utilized in cultures and civilizations worldwide throughout history.
Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, colloidal silver was used in hospitals and has been recognized as a bactericide for at least 1200 years. In the late 1800’s it came back into fashion as a powerful germ fighter. Medicinal silver compounds were then developed and commonly used as a medicine. In the early 1900’s the use of silver as an antibacterial substance became widespread. By the 1940’s there were around four dozen different silver compounds on the market being used to treat just about every known infectious disease. These compounds came in topical, injectable and oral forms.
Some negative press began to surface in the early 1900’s due to the overuse of certain types of protein-bound silver compounds causing a grey or blueish discoloration of the skin known as argyria , along with a supply of improperly prepared and unstable solutions. Myths surrounding the use of colloidal silver abound – it’s been blamed for harming human cells when in fact recent studies have demonstrated that the body has a specific process for isolating and detoxifying accumulated silver, protecting cells from harm.
Colloidal silver has been said to cause a “cytokine storm” (massive inflammation) in the lungs of even healthy individuals. Studies have in fact shown that silver actually modifies cytokine expression and reduces inflammation.
It has been said that colloidal silver causes hardening of the arteries. In reality studies have shown that silver stops red blood cells from clumping, helping prevent heart attacks and strokes rather than causing them. There has been no medical documentation relating silver to arteriosclerosis.  
Here is where things get tricky; most silvers on the market aren’t true colloidal silver. The term “colloidal” is being used to describe two types of silver products - true colloidal silver and ionic silver solutions. Ionic silver solutions do not make it through the digestive system. Because it’s stable, true colloidal silver survives digestion and is absorbed into the bloodstream. True colloidal silver contains nanoparticles of silver suspended in a pure liquid solution. Most silvers on the market are ionic silver solutions, which are less expensive to produce. At this time there are no regulations requiring manufacturers to specify whether the product is a true colloid, or an ionic solution.
Most of the ill effects attributed to colloidal silver have in fact been caused by the consumption (and often overconsumption) of ionic silver products. The majority of consumers are completely unaware that there is a difference. The use of a sub-par product is ineffective at best and in many cases harmful. Another area of concern is with products being marketed as colloidal silver generators that enable consumers to make the product at home. None of these generators produce true colloidal silver. They are incapable of producing nanoparticles of silver. What they produce is ionic silver via electrolysis, resulting in the same solution as many mislabeled over-the-counter products. This puts homemade colloidal silver enthusiasts at risk of suffering the negative side effects falsely associated with true colloidal silver.
The problem with mislabeled and homemade “colloidal silver” is that in its ionic form, silver is highly reactive with other elements. Chloride is the most prevalent anion (a negatively charged ion) and silver ions immediately bond to it, forming silver chloride. Silver chloride is an insoluble salt that does not dissolve inside the body once it is formed.  Silver chloride is eliminated by the kidneys and expelled through the urine, leaving very little, if any silver particles in the body.
Ingestion of highly concentrated amounts of ionic silver can cause argyria, a permanent greyish or blue discoloration of the skin. True colloidal silver does not cause this condition.
To conclude this article, we would like to share some important aspects of the colloidal silver usage and general dosage parameters.
  • Topically it can be used for cuts, scrapes, burns, and bug bites as an antiseptic and healing agent.
  • Daily oral dosing for adults and children is one or two tablespoons daily depending on condition being treated.
  • 5 cc can be placed in a nebulizer and inhaled to fight off colds and viruses of the respiratory tract.
  • It can also be used successfully in anti-lyme, anti-herpes, anti-flu protocols under the guidance of an experienced practitioner. 
Any inquires about product availability and pricing can be made directly through Dr Rucker’s office or 941 448 1199. You can also go to our website at