Friday, May 16, 2014

RejuvenateYou presents Myron Talbert, 60 Pound Weight Loss Success Story

     We have seen tremendous success at RejuvenateYou working with individuals who want to lose weight, and do it naturally.  Helping anyone change their life for the better is very rewarding.  Recently, I had the opportunity to help a childhood friend who I have known for over 30+ years.  Myron Talbert, is a 47 year old male who lives in Charlotte, NC.  Myron and his family grew up down the street from our family, and the Talberts were a second family to my brother and myself.  Myron was muscular and athletic.  He  went on to play football at Elon College.  I never thought of Myron as overweight, I just thought he was a big, muscular guy. Myron decided he wanted to change his shape and overall health as he turned 40.  His transformation is impressive to say the least.  When a guy loses 60 pounds by eating properly, changing lifestyle behaviors, and keeping off the weight, this in itself is a story that must be told!

     Tell us about your history as an athlete (i.e. your weight playing football, and where you were after your playing days as you got into your 40s). 
     I weighed 11 lbs when I was born (thanks mom) and have always been a big kid. By the time I was in high school playing football and lifting, my weight increased from 198 to 240 when I graduated. That summer, preparing for Elon football I was at 250.  My weight after college would fluctuate between 225 -240, reaching a high at 268. A little over a year ago when I decided to make some changes, I started the process weighing 254.

Was there a particular event or reason that motivated you to want to lose some weight? 

Several.  Most importantly, was my health.  I was experiencing digestion issues.  I was tested for Celiac Disease and results were negative.  Hold that thought for later.  Also, when I asked my internist if I was lactose intolerant, his response was, ”If your stomach bothers you after eating dairy, then yes, I guess you are".  (It’s a good thing my insurance covered that advanced medical diagnosis).

High blood pressure runs in my family and I was no exception.  I was put on medication first in the late ‘90’s and then again in 2009.  I bought a blood pressure monitor wand, I would check it regularly, but did not see much change, even on the medication.

My sleep was interrupted nightly with apnea, to the point where it went from a joke to a concern.  How to address it?  Either lose some weight or wear the Darth Vader looking mask which I felt confident would not make it 5 minutes before it was tossed across the room.  I woke up tired and earlier than I wanted, and it affected my productivity during the day.  I was always dragging by early afternoon.

I’m not vain or hip enough to be concerned with a GQ look but it was a challenge for me to feel comfortable in clothes, especially business attire for work.  Not to mention if I did find something I liked, I could only hope it was available in XXL.

You had tremendous success going from 254 pounds to 225 pounds.  First question is how did you lose almost 30 pounds? 

Exercise. I was hitting the gym 4 -5 days/week and some days twice. Each time I have consciously tried to lose weight, I have done so with a strong cardio routine.  I ran a few 5Ks and did fine, but I always felt stress on my knees afterwards.  A few years of football and a few extra pounds will do that.  I started biking more and started every workout with 25-30 minutes on the elliptical machine.  I did cut back on certain bad foods and was eating better as well. Gave up ice cream…it was no coincidence Ben & Jerry’s stock dropped!

October 13, Weighing 223 pounds
Most people would consider losing 30 pounds very successful.  Why did you feel like that there was more weight to lose?

I was very pleased with the initial weight loss, but I felt confident that I could lose more weight.  I have been at least 225 for over 30 years, was eating better and staying active.  In the back of my mind I wanted to get better results, and I had momentum, so I kept raising the bar.

What prompted you to reach out to RejuvenateYou and try our Weight Loss Program and RejuvenateYou Metabolic Enhancer drops?

As stated above I had the motivation, but my weight loss had plateaued.  I went 4 weeks and could not lose anymore weight.  I even increased my cardio routine.  Nothing.  I began to accept the fact that this would be my ‘normal’ weight.  I had noticed the success and testimonials from others on the RejuvenateYou Facebook page, and noticed you repeatedly spoke of ‘eating Paleo clean’.  I had heard of the Paleo ‘diet’ before but thought I was already eating right. Additionally, after 30 plus years lifting in some capacity, I was skeptical of most supplements since I had tried numerous in the past and never noticed any changes, except maybe jittery energy. But once I read the ingredients of the Metabolic Enhancer and learned the supplements were all natural, I definitely wanted to give the product a try.  There is also something to be said for being able to read and understand every ingredient.

When did you start to notice and feel a difference?

Immediately. Removing grains, dairy, processed food and sugar concerned me a little, simply because I did not think I could be diligent with my eating.  I travel often with my job and eating clean on the road, with limited time, seemed impossible. But as I started eating clean and taking the Metabolic Enhancer, my weight began to drop. At first, I noticed that after 1 week, I was not craving anything that had been removed from my diet…and was not hungry between meals. I was eating less than before, but could still enjoy a good meal.  The meal just needed to be thought out a little differently.  In addition, my digestion improved noticeably by removing dairy and grains.  If you remember, I had tested negative for Celiac’s, but quickly realized that grains and dairy had been the culprit, or at least heavily contributed to my digestion issues.  Over the past few months, if I was at a nice dinner and warm, tasty dinner rolls or bread were presented and I tried them, within 10 minutes, I would have indigestion. This fully convinced me that my body was rejecting and did not want or need bread. During my initial weight loss, prior to eating clean and the Metabolic Enhancer, I was still experiencing stomach issues. I was eating ‘sugar free’ grain breads and ‘fat free’ dairy (cheese), thinking I was eating healthy when actually those foods, regardless of what they were ‘free’ of, they were causing havoc on my body,   It was not difficult to see that once these foods were eliminated, I felt better because of improved health, and the weight continued to fall off.

I began to notice muscle definition that had been hidden by fat, especially in my stomach and upper body. I had incorporated a heavy abdominal workout for months and began to think it was in vain because after much frustration, my love handles did not budge.  However, it did change, and although I will never have six pack abs, I could begin to see the definition and love handles melt.  Also with the weight loss, my neck and face became thinner, I stopped snoring and the Sleep Apnea mentioned above ceased.  I was sleeping better and feeling better. I had changed physicians and the new one was more in tune with what I was doing.  After two successful visits, each with more weight loss, my blood pressure was normal.  I realize I looked and felt better, but normalizing my blood pressure is my biggest accomplishment after starting this journey.  I do not like taking medications, and after years in medical sales, I have seen both the positives and negatives in pharmaceuticals.  I decided if I can do it naturally, that would be my first option.

The increased energy is hard to explain simply because I have experienced numerous "diet supplements" which contained ingredients I could not pronounce. Most of these "diet supplements" would make me feel jittery after taking them. My improved energy was better measured when working out. I noticed less recovery between sets and not being completely exhausted after my daily routine(s). Additionally, I did not drag in the afternoon which I had experienced frequently prior to using the Metabolic Enhancer.

You have completely overhauled your eating habits.  Most people assume this is a "diet" and not a "lifestyle" change.  Can you talk about how you are different now as far as energy, mood, and how your body reacts to foods you used to eat regularly in the past.

I went into this change thinking diet, but in reality it was a lifestyle change. Maybe dramatic to some, and not others, but for the first time in my life I was in tune with my body. This may sound corny, but due to eating clean, I could pinpoint what if anything reacted with my body. I realize everyone is different and the human body is amazingly adaptable…you can eat poorly and eventually your body will allow or maybe accept it and the negative results may not be as noticeable. For me, it was measured…my digestion is the best it’s been since college when a 2 AM visit to Waffle House (covered, smothered and chunked) did not bother me at all…until 20+ years later.  Also, I previously mentioned how hard it is to eat clean on the road…which is a cop out. It may be easier to eat a burger or fast food but it’s not hard to eat clean. I was running late a few months back and stopped for a sausage biscuit. I knew that the bread may cause indigestion but I ate it anyway. The biscuit started to feel like cement in my mouth…with every bite. So I removed the sausage and ate that alone thinking I’d be OK. Now understand, I cook and eat meats from the approved list and that includes occasional pork.  But the greasy film I had in my mouth after eating the fast food version almost made me sick.  Not going to name the chain because at this point, I have no faith in any fast food chains.  Fast food chains really do not care about me and my health.  If and when I decide to have another sausage biscuit, it will be made at home.

You leaned out to an impressive weight of 194 pounds by eating properly and taking the RejuvenateYou Metabolic Enhancer.  Now you are starting the RejuvenateYou Nutritional Support 15 to build muscle and decrease recovery time.  I know it's been a little over a week, but what have you noticed on this supplement thus far?
April 15, Weighing 194 pounds

Yes. I had changed my routine when I was leaning down with less strenuous lifting and focused on core exercises and cardio. I knew I would lose some strength, but felt I could build those levels back. After the positive results with the Metabolic Enhancer, I trusted the Nutritional Supplement would work, but was still a little skeptical if it could be measured as well. I started noticing a difference on day 3 when I was lifting. I was finishing my sets aggressively and realized I needed to increase my lifting weight. Anytime in the past if I had gone lighter lifting or simply not at all, the process of getting back to the ‘normal’ weight I wanted to lift took time. Now understand, I’m not going nuts in the gym…I incorporate more machines than free weights, but my workouts are aggressive and as such require recovery between sets/exercises. I saw this immediately…my body wanted the next set versus dreading it and I felt accomplished when finished.  I have notice some changes in my arms and chest, definitely more defined and better shaped. I am not looking to get huge, but I do want to build some muscle, stay in shape and look and feel better. So far, I have noticed all but the looking better…the drops do nothing for my mug. I take that back, my face is thinner…but still not any better looking!  I expect to gain some weight through muscle growth, but the leaning down process I experienced gives me the best opportunity to measure the Nutritional Support's benefits.

Can you give us some of your measurements from where you started to where you finished?

I did want to add my measurements, because there is no hiding what you see on the scale.  You suggested that I should not focus on the scale, so I did not live or die by the numbers. I was still building muscle using the Metabolic Enhancer, so I could not get frustrated when I did not see the aggressive weight loss I experienced in the beginning.  My old wardrobe is completely gone…which is a good thing and I am proud of the changes.

                             Beginning Numbers                                  3 Months after ME
Weight                       254                                           194
Neck                          18 ½                                         17
Waist                         41                                             34
Chest (suit jacket)        50                                             44
Shirt                          XXL                                            L

What stood out to you about the weight loss program at RejuvenateYou?

I think it’s very important to add what you bring to this, Dini. Your continued and tireless support, consistent follow-up, and reinforcement made frustrating days/workouts better when I did not see a change I was expecting.  You are in Florida and I am in North Carolina, yet I felt like I had a trainer with me constantly…that motivation, even from that distance kept me positive and engaged.  For that I thank you.

What would you tell anyone who has struggled to lose weight that wants to have the same level of success that you have achieved?

I want to reiterate that my success is not attributed to one thing, but the combination of eating clean, moderate exercise (nothing crazy), and the RejuvenateYou Metabolic Enhancer drops. This is not a get quick ‘diet’, and I have really worked at it to get where I am now. But at 47, my overall health has improved for the better, I feel healthier, and now I realize and understand what I need to do to in order to maintain this type of healthy lifestyle.

Myron has had an amazing transformation.  The resounding theme we see with anyone losing weight is based off changing their eating habits and lifestyle behaviors in order to have long-term success.  Losing weight is not a sprint, it is a marathon!

If you need help losing weight feel free to comment on this blog or send us an email at  You can also reach us via phone at (941) 448-1199.

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